The Twin Cities Series is a collaborative set of novellas written by a number of different authors including Drew Avera, J.B. Cameron, Kedrick Rue, and Theresa Snyder.

The people of Minnesota believe the twin cities to be Minneapolis and St. Paul, but what they don't realize is the name actually refers to a parallel dimension known as The Realms, where creatures of myth roam freely.

Humans stand only a dimensional barrier away from the most terrifying and horrible monsters imaginable, but there are a select few who answer the cries for help, who guard the world of mankind and keep it safe from harm.

The Realms can be a place of great danger, as well as great beauty, where love and loss can be sudden and significant, but make no this world, humanity is just another word for powerless.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

NIGHTFALL Chapter 1 Preview

Pre-orders are available on Amazon and Smashwords for NIGHTFALL, the latest urban fantasy tale in The Twin Cities Series collection. Now you can catch a glimpse of the tale awaiting you inside the pages of this world-changing adventure. Enjoy the first chapter before the book's official release on November 19.

Monday, October 16, 2017

NIGHTFALL Available as ARC and Pre-Order

NIGHTFALL, the latest epic urban fantasy offering in The Twin Cities Series is now available at a special pre-order price of only $0.99 on Amazon and Smashwords. If you can't wait until November 19 to dip into this exciting yarn, the ARC is also now available on for anyone willing to leave a review.

Amazon Kindle:


Review Copy:


War has engulfed The Realms. One sparked by the abduction of the vampire lord Raven's young ward, a child whose mysterious powers are essential for his rule.

The conflict between the undead master and those determined to end his reign will shake the foundations of his gothic kingdom. Armies of trolls, Minotaur, goblins and vampires will clash in a deadly battle for supremacy.

With magic, might, and technology pitted against one another, the cost of defeat may be greater than anyone dared imagine. All that is certain is that nothing will ever be the same again, once NIGHT FALLS.

Monday, May 29, 2017

1st Book in the "Shifting" Adventures of the Twin Cities Series FREE

High Folks!

Two new volumes of the "Shifting" Adventures in the Twin Cities Series will be coming out this summer.

Now is the time to pick up the first volume FREE! 
It is a #1 Amazon Bestseller!

I know you are going to love these Shape Shifter books so much you will want to buy the whole series.

Get the first in the series FREE Click on the title, "Shifting in The Realms"

If you pick it up from this link, you will be informed when I release the next two in a 'dual release' this summer.

Want to read the rest of the series - "Shifting Agony & Ecstasy" and "Shifting Places?"

Pick them up from your favorite online retailer. 
They are available everywhere. 
You can find the links on my website.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

In Development...

The season finale for our second season of books in The Twin Cities Series is currently being written. "Nightfall" will feature a cast of characters originally conceived by Drew Avera, Theresa Snyder, Kedrick Rue, and J.B. Cameron.

The exciting story promises to wrap up storylines originating from the very start of the series, prior to moving The Realms in exciting new directions with the next round of books coming your way. Don't miss it!