The Twin Cities Series is a collaborative set of novellas written by a number of different authors including Drew Avera, J.B. Cameron, Kedrick Rue, and Theresa Snyder.

The people of Minnesota believe the twin cities to be Minneapolis and St. Paul, but what they don't realize is the name actually refers to a parallel dimension known as The Realms, where creatures of myth roam freely.

Humans stand only a dimensional barrier away from the most terrifying and horrible monsters imaginable, but there are a select few who answer the cries for help, who guard the world of mankind and keep it safe from harm.

The Realms can be a place of great danger, as well as great beauty, where love and loss can be sudden and significant, but make no this world, humanity is just another word for powerless.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Interview with Drew Avera, Author and Creator of The Twin Cities Series!

A few months ago author Drew Avera sent an e-mail out to a handful of authors of various genres. His goal? To create a brand new fantasy world, one ripe with monsters and creatures of nightmare and mythology. His idea was a spark that ignited the flame of the Twin Cities Series universe. Today, there are four books available for purchase, with more coming soon.

Today we sit down with the creator of The Twin Cities Series, Drew Avera.

What is your name and where are you from?

My name is Drew Avera (pronounced Avery) and I was born and raised in Mississippi. I joined the navy at seventeen and now live in Virginia with my wife and kids.

What kind of books to you typically write?

Dystopian thrillers and science fiction.

What is your book in the series called? (Include description)

Mr. Grimm - Alexander Grimm has been sentenced to a life of servitude. His services are rendered to a man who calls himself The Raven, who is more than a man. He is a vampire. Grimm has done The Raven's bidding for twenty years with the life of his daughter, Angelica, hanging in the balance. Someone in The Raven's Court has approached the man known in The Realms as "Mr. Grimm" with a choice: Continue killing for fear of losing his daughter, or give his life to ensure that The Raven can never hold her life in his hands again. Which will he choose?

The Raven - The current events of this story take place twenty years before the events of Mr. Grimm, but this book was written as a sequel. Either reading order is acceptable, though.

The Raven is the ruler of The Realms. He is a vampire who thinks himself to be like God. His history is scarred by pain and misery and it has a harsh effect on his mind. Read this story in order to better understand where his madness truly lies.

How did you get involved in the series?

My initial idea was to do something simple involving a few other authors. That blew up and turned into a very vast world with four other awesome authors who helped shape the series. I asked a few authors if they would like to get involved and they said yes. Their contributions have turned my small idea into something a lot more fun and interesting than I could have done on my own.

If you visited The Realms, what would you hope to see or not see?

I would hope to see some really cool landscape; I would not want to see anyone working for The Raven. I’ve got a bit of meat on my bones and I’m pretty sure vampires like prey they don’t have to chase down too hard…

What's next for you, either inside The Realms or outside of it?

I just released a dystopian thriller called 2103, and that is going to be a series. I also have a third book in The Realms which is in work.

Where can people find more about you?

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