The Twin Cities Series is a collaborative set of novellas written by a number of different authors including Drew Avera, J.B. Cameron, Kedrick Rue, and Theresa Snyder.

The people of Minnesota believe the twin cities to be Minneapolis and St. Paul, but what they don't realize is the name actually refers to a parallel dimension known as The Realms, where creatures of myth roam freely.

Humans stand only a dimensional barrier away from the most terrifying and horrible monsters imaginable, but there are a select few who answer the cries for help, who guard the world of mankind and keep it safe from harm.

The Realms can be a place of great danger, as well as great beauty, where love and loss can be sudden and significant, but make no this world, humanity is just another word for powerless.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Raven, Sequel to Mr. Grimm and the next Twin Cities Series Now on Kindle!

Praise for Mr. Grimm by Drew Avera - "Without going much into detail of this short novel I can tell you that the personal moral choices, the chancing of luck and the resulting dilemmas are a great asset to this otherwise classic Vampire / paranormal story. Confident, fast and powerful."

We're please to announce that the next novella in The Twin Cities Series is now available, brought to you by the author of Mr. Grimm, Drew Avera!

Go back 20 years before Mr. Grimm and learn about the vampire who controls The Realms.

The Raven

The Raven is ruler of the ruler of The Realms. He is a vampire who thinks himself to be like God. His history is scarred by pain and misery and it has a harsh effect on his mind. Read this story in order to better understand where his madness truly lies. 

More Twin Cities Series are coming your way, sooner than you might think!

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