The Twin Cities Series is a collaborative set of novellas written by a number of different authors including Drew Avera, J.B. Cameron, Kedrick Rue, and Theresa Snyder.

The people of Minnesota believe the twin cities to be Minneapolis and St. Paul, but what they don't realize is the name actually refers to a parallel dimension known as The Realms, where creatures of myth roam freely.

Humans stand only a dimensional barrier away from the most terrifying and horrible monsters imaginable, but there are a select few who answer the cries for help, who guard the world of mankind and keep it safe from harm.

The Realms can be a place of great danger, as well as great beauty, where love and loss can be sudden and significant, but make no this world, humanity is just another word for powerless.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cover Reveal! Magpie & Jynx: A Novella of the Twin Cities Series by author J.B. Cameron

We are proud to announce the cover reveal of the next novella in The Twin Cities Series!

Magpie & Jynx tells the story of Maggie Bartlett, aka "Magpie," a half-human, half-shifter whose mastery over her powers allows her to change her form, either completely or partially, into that of a crow. Aided by her siren companion, Jynx, they must bring down a human/fae trafficking ring, operating in secret within The Realms. 

It's an urban fantasy action adventure that you won't want to miss!

For more information go to the Goodreads group page here!

You can also follow The Twin Cities Series on Facebook for the latest information!

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